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Early Nova Scotians:

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Salusbury, John (1707-1762):
Salusbury was a disenchanted and debt-ridden gentlemen that came out as part of Cornwallis' suite in June of 1749. He was sworn in as one of the first councilors at Halifax. Generally unhappy with things he petitioned to be returned to England and returned to his family in August of 1751. Still unhappy, Salusbury came out to Halifax once again, in 1752; but remained only for year before retiring in obscurity to England. His contribution to the history of Nova Scotia is that, as an educated man, he kept a diary, or journal, which, has come down to us and is a valuable source of detail on the life and times of early Nova Scotia, particularly, being with him, of Lawrence's first descent on Chignecto in 1750.
Saul, Thomas:
Unfortunately I have not been able to get together too much information on Saul. His principal role in our history was to come at the time of the Acadian Deportation in 1755, especially those chapters on Grand Pre (Chapter 11 and Chapter 12). Thomas Saul was to come to Nova Scotia at about the time Halifax was founded in 1749. He was, as the DCB sets out, "the agent of William Baker, an important London merchant and government contractor and a close political ally of the Duke of Newcastle." The DCB further points out, "relations between Saul and Lawrence were close." On August the 11th, 1755, two sailing vessels were put at Saul's disposal. He was charged with the job of "victualing" the transport vessels which were to be found at the embarkation points in the Bay of Fundy.
Scott, George (?-1767):
Scott was one of the two commanders under Robert Monckton at the time Fort Beausejour was taken by the English in 1755. (More)
Seely, Caleb (1787-1869):
One of the commanders of arguably the most successful privateer in Nova Scotia, the Liverpool Packet. "Caleb Seely was born August 31st, 1787, and died February 14th, 1869, a fine old man of eighty-one. He gave up privateering in October, 1814, and became an extensive shipowner and merchant in Liverpool, at first in partnership with his friend, Enos Collins, whose sister, Phoebe, he married, and later on his own account."[C. H. J. Snider's Under The Red Jack (Toronto: Musson, n.d.) at p 44.]
Sherbrooke, Sir John Coape (c.1764-1830):
Army officer and colonial administer. Sherbrooke was appointed the Lt.-Governor of Nova Scotia in 1811, a position he was to stay in until 1816. (More)
Shirley, William (1694-1771):
Shirley was appointed to be the Royal Governor of Massachusetts in 1741. He was to carry on in that position until 1756. Nova Scotia, during this time, was part of Shirley's bailiwick. (More)
Southhack, Cyprian (1662-1745):
The New England privateer. (More)
Spry, William (1734-1801):
During the war of the American revolution, Spry was the Chief Royal Engineer at Halifax. Spry superintended the building of Fort Needham located at north end of Halifax peninsula to oversee the Naval Yard in the year, 1778. He arose to the rank of Lieutenant-General in 1799. Spry returned to England in circa 1782; he died at London.
Strange, Thomas Andrew Lumisden (1756-1841):
After an aristocratic education (Westminster School and then Christ Church, Oxford) Thomas Strange went to the law. On October 20th, 1789, he was appointed Chief Justice of Nova Scotia and President of the Council and continued in that capacity until 1797. (More)
Subercase (c.1662-1732):
The French governor, Subercase took over responsibility for Port Royal in 1706 and was very successful in defending for a number of years but eventually had to give it up the attacking English in 1710, through no fault of his; he was a brave and well respected French military officer. (More)
Sutherland, Captain Patrick (b. d. unknown):
The British officer who was in charge at Lunenburg, from shortly after its founding, in 1753, to, approximately, 1763. (More)

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