Blupete's Biography Page

Early Nova Scotians:

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Ramezay, Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas-Roch de ... (1708-1777)
The French Canadian officer who saw action at the Isthmus of Chignecto during 1746-7.
Raymond, Jean-Louis de, Comte de Raymond (1702-71)
The vain and domineering French governor at Louisbourg, 1751-53. (More)
Razilly, Isaac de (1587-1635):
The father of Acadia. (More)
Robie, Simon Bradstreet (1770-1858):
Born in Marblehead, Massachusetts, Robie came to Halifax with his family at the beginning of the American Revolution. At Halifax he turned to the law and was admitted to the bar. In 1815 he was named solicitor general. He represented Truro Township from 1799 to 1806 in the House of Assembly, then Halifax County from 1806 to 1826. While in the house he was loyal to the Crown which led to him being given a seat on Council and a judicial office, Master of the Rolls.
Marquis Rockingham (Charles Wentworth; 1730-1782):
Rockingham, a Whig, was called in 1763 to form a government. "He repealed the Stamp Act and he would have done more for progress but for court intrigues ... he resigned in 1766 and opposed Lord North and his ruinous American policy. He [Rockingham] again became premier in March 1782, but died four months later." (Chambers.) In quoting Hoffman, Russell Kirk, Edmund Burke's biographer, [Edmund Burke: A Genius Reconsidered (Arlington House, 1967) at p. 79] writes of Rockingham: "The Marquis was a man of strong character and large experience in the world, he knew the courts and kings of Europe, had dined with Roman cardinals, charmed Italian princesses; he spoke three languages, had managed astutely a large fortune, commanded militiamen in war, ruled the politics of Yorkshire, and had been schooled for high public responsibilities by the chiefs of the Whig party. He was their head because they wished it so ..."
Rous, Captain John (c.1705-1760):
From New England, Rous, a naval captain, was one of the few officers which were active in both the 1745 and 1758 sieges of Louisbourg. (More)

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[The Lion & The Lily -- Book 1 (1500-1763)]
[Settlement, Revolution & War -- Book 2 (1760-1815)]
[The Road To Being Canada -- Book 3 (1815-1867)]
[Nova Scotian Biographies]
[History Jump Page]

Peter Landry
2012 (2020)