Blupete's Library Page

Books on Nova ScotiaT

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M Journals
& Ref.

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  • Nova Scotia Telephone Directory, October 1888. Reprint.

    Thwaites, Reuben Gold:
  • France in America 1497-1763; Vol. 7 of the 27 vol. series of the American History Series; With maps; (Harper Brs., 1905).

    Thomas, C. E.:
  • "The Early Days of King's College, Nova Scotia" (15 pp., starts in with the very first school in Nova Scotia, 1704), Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society, vol. vi, no. 3; Education; (London, Ontario: Sept., 1964); 51 pp. pamphlet.

    Thomas, John:
  • Journals of Beausejour: Diary of John Thomas (Apr. 1755 to Dec 1755) and Journal of Louis de Courville (1755); edited by John Clarence Webster, Trustee of the Public Archives of Nova Scotia, Member of the Historic and Monumonts Board of Canada Honourary Curator of Fort Beausejour Museum; (Halifax: PANS, Spec. pub., 1937); pp. 54.

    Thompson, John, Sir (1845-94): Prime Minister of Canada 1891-94.
  • The Man from Halifax (1982); by P. B. Waite (1922- ), Prof. of History, Dal. U.); Ills; (University of Toronto Press, 1986).

    Trask, Deborah:
  • Life how short Eternity how long: Gravestone Carving and Carvers in Nova Scotia; (Halifax: N.S. Museum, 1978).

    Tratt, Gertrude E. N.:
  • A Survey and Listing of Nova Scotia Newspapers: 1752-1957 (with particular reference to the period before 1867). § Compiled by Tratt; if one is doing work in the history of newspapers in Nova Scotia, then this is an invaluable publication; in this apparently exhaustive work there are listings (chronological and geographical) of the newspapers beginning with the Gazette at Halifax in 1752; there is a short description of each of the papers; a listing of where archival copies might be had these days; there is an index to editors and publishers; and a bibliography of the materials consulted; (Halifax: Dalhousie University Libraries and Dalhousie University School of Library Service Occasional Paper 21, 1979).

    Tucker, Gilbert Norman: § Dr. Gilbert is described as being the Director of the Naval Historical Section (National Defence?); sometime fellow of Branford College in Yale University.
  • The Naval Service of Canada (Ottawa: King's Printer, 1952). § This is the official biography of the Royal Canadian Navy. Volume 1 covers up to 1939 and the volume 2 concentrates on World War II. This work is to be consulted, if one should attempt the history 20th century Halifax.); With 30 maps, 7 charts and 44 plates (6 being colour repros. from paintings by Canadian War Artists).

    Tufts, Robie W. (1884-1982) Though dead now, Tufts was known to countless school children as the "Bird Man.
  • Birds of Nova Scotia (1961); With colour ills. by Roger Tory Peterson and John A. Crosby; (Halifax: Nimbus, 1986).
  • "Where to Find the Birds in Nova Scotia"; Halifax Bird society, 1976, a 37 p. pamph.

    Tupper, Sir Charles (1821-1915): Born in Amherst, Tupper was educated at Horton Academy and Acadia University. In 1840 he left the province for Edinburgh, Scotland, there to take a medical degree. He returned Nova Scotia in 1843 to take up the practice of medicine at Amherst. His growing interest in politics led him, in 1855, to move to Halifax. He worked his way up through the provincial conservative party to become the Provincial Secretary and then to be the premier of Nova Scotia. After confederation (he was an outstanding leader in the cause) he joined John A. MacDonald's government where he held a number of posts, including: Minister of Customs, of Public Works, of Railways and Canals, of Inland Revenue, and of Finance. In 1896 he became the Prime Minister of Canada.
  • The Life and Letters of the Right Hon. Sir Charles Tupper; by E. M. Saunders; (Cassell & Co., 2vols, 1916); Also 3rd vol., a supplement, Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper (son), ed.; (Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1926).

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    2011 (2023)

    Peter Landry
