Blupete's Genealogy Page

The Theriaults Of St Mary's Bay.

[#1] Jean Theriault (b.1601) of Port Royal:
Jean was born in 1601, likely at "la région de Loudun, département de la Viene, France." Jean came to Port Royal in 1637. Married, around 1635, Perrine Rau (b.1611). Jean and Perrine were to have seven children including: Claude (b.1637), Jean (b.1639), Bonaventure (b.1641), Germain (b.1646) and Pierre (b.1655).

[#2] Claude Theriault (1637-1721) of Port Royal:
Son of Jean (b.1601). Married, at Port Royal, Marie Gauderot (b.1647), dghtr of Francois and Edmée Lejeune. Thirteen children, including: Germain (b.1662), Jean (b.1670), Pierre, Joseph and Claude. Claude (1637-1721) was buried at Port Royal; his ux Marie was buried in 1732.

[#3] Germain Theriault (b.1662):
Son of Claude (1637-1721). Married Anne Richard, dghtr of Michael and Madeleine Blanchard. The couple had six children, including: Claude, Jacques, Joseph and Germain.

[#4] Germain Theriault:
Son of Germain. Married to Madeline, dghtr of Michael and Elizabeth Melanson in 1712. The couple had eight children, including: Jean Baptiste, Pierre, Joseph, Charles and Hilarion.

[#5] Hilarion Theriault (d.1821) of Bridgetown and Baie Ste-Marie:
Hilarion was the 5th generation from the original Theriault that came to Acadia, Jean (b.1601). He married Rosalie (Marie) Belliveau in 1761. He was the first Theriault to come to Baie Ste-Marie and did so around 1768. The couple had four children, including: Charles and Francois. The Theriaults had a farm which they worked, prior to expulsion in 1755, near present day Bridgetown. Hilarion and Rosalie were to have ten children, including: Francois, Charles, Jean, Pierre, Joseph and Frederic.

[#6] Frederic (Dick) Theriault of Baie Ste-Marie:
Son of Hilarion (d.1821). Dick married Madeleine Bourque and they had two sons: Jean and Maximin.

[#7] Maximin Theriault of Baie Ste-Marie:
Son of Dick. Maximin lived to 87. In 1842, he married Véhérante Belliveau (b.1817). The couple had seven children, including: Ambroise, Benjamin and Augustin.

[#8] Ambrose Theriault of Baie Ste-Marie:
Son of Maximin. He married Emerise Michaud; and, they were to have ten children, including Thomas and Adolphe.

[#9] Adolphe Theriault of Baie Ste-Marie:
In an item from the Le Petit Courier, dated 26 January, 1967, from which I extracted great deal of this genealogy material on the Theriaults, we read of Adolphe, "qui a été un de nos meilleurs instituteurs acadians pendant plusieurs années, ancient élève du collège Ste-Anne et maintenant agent général d'Assurance ...". Had a son, Louis; and a daughter, Lucille.

[#10] Louis Theriault of Halifax:
Married Elizabeth Blinn (1919- ). Three daughters and one son. Geraldine, Louise, Denise and Paul.

[#11] Louise Theriault (1942- ) of Halifax:
Married Peter Landry. Three beautiful daughters: Lisa, Kara and Dana.


Peter Landry

2011 (2020)