A blupete Essay

Hobbes On Democracy
In Support of bluepete's Essay "On Democracy."
Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan:
"But a man may here object that the condition of subjects is very miserable, as being obnoxious to the lusts and other irregular passions of him or them that have so unlimited a power in their hands. And commonly they that live under a monarch think it the fault of monarchy; and they that live under the government of democracy, or other sovereign assembly, attribute all the inconvenience to that form of Commonwealth; whereas the power in all forms, if they be perfect enough to protect them, is the same: not considering that the estate of man can never be without some incommodity or other; and that the greatest that in any form of government can possibly happen to the people in general is scarce sensible, in respect of the miseries and horrible calamities that accompany a civil war, or that dissolute condition of masterless men without subjection to laws and a coercive power to tie their hands from rapine and revenge: nor considering that the greatest pressure of sovereign governors proceedeth, not from any delight or profit they can expect in the damage weakening of their subjects, in whose vigour consisteth their own strength and glory, but in the restiveness of themselves that, unwillingly contributing to their own defence, make it necessary for their governors to draw from them what they can in time of peace that they may have means on any emergent occasion, or sudden need, to resist or take advantage on their enemies. For all men are by nature provided of notable multiplying glasses (that is their passions and self-love) through which every little payment appeareth a great grievance, but are destitute of those prospective glasses (namely moral and civil science) to see afar off the miseries that hang over them and cannot without such payments be avoided."
[No matter from what or whom it gets its power, or what the nomaclature -- monarchy, oligarchy or democracy -- if one becomes discontented with it, then, it's tyranny. For, you see, it is a person or group of persons that call the shots, no matter the form of government; or, better put, no matter from what the source of power which government claims. Where there is a want of government, a democracy may well be called an anarchy. No matter what, when the people feel oppressed then the government is no good and must be replaced by some means.]
"... because the Athenians were taught (to keep them from desire of changing their government) that they were freemen, and all that lived under monarchy were slaves; therefore Aristotle puts it down in his Politics 'In democracy, liberty is to be supposed: for it is commonly held that no man is free in any other government.'" [And on this we have all been grounded on the opinions -- that democracy is best.]


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Peter Landry

2011 (2019)